2 Easy Tricks to Teach Your Pet in an Afternoon

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It’s been more than four decades since the iconic family show Lassie captured the hearts of families across the world with the incredible smarts and tricks that the Bordie Collie could pull off.

While some breeds of dogs are more apt than others to catch on to tricks, with enough practice, most pups can catch on fairly quickly, and many can even demonstrate a new trick or skill within an afternoon. You don’t have to have be Lassie or a professional animal trainer to capture hearts with some sweet moves! And while it might surprise some feline owners, kitties can also be taught some rad tricks!

Case in point, this YouTube video by The DoDo, in which a cat is taught to jump through its owner’s arms.


Photo source: www.thedodo.com

Photo source: www.thedodo.com

Watch here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EU9YUaMHqg

The trainer starts by getting the kitty to jump a short ways off the ground, over an arm that is outstretched and touching a wall. A treat is used to lure the cat over.

This is repeated many times, and the arm eventually is moved away from the way, with another arm on top, creating a perfect loop. The cat eventually gets the idea to jump through the looped arms, and can jump higher, even without the lure of a treat.

Here a few the steps in which to teach your furbaby their new party trick:

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For pups, there are many more noticeable dog tricks that you’ve probably seen in action.

Perhaps none is more well-known that playing dead. The first step to playing dead is mastering the lay down command. Once the dog is in the down position, then make whatever sound and motion you want him or her to associate with playing dead. This can be “bang,” with a pointed gun hand motion, “play dead,” or our personal favorite, “Bobo, would you rather be a married man or a dead dog?”



Then get the dog to roll over on his or her side by motion a treat behind the dog’s head. The repetition can be a bit clunky at first, but it’s totally adorable in the end. The trick is demonstrated in this video by Tricky Timmy and Krazy Karma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vlSNtSV3_k


Don’t stop at these two suggestions! 

Keep exploring and keep learning. Your critter is probably way more capable than you imagined!



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